Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Quick test to check Diaphragms

There is a pretty easy and reliable way to check the diaphragms to determine if they will make it through the winter.  First listen.  It the pulse is not a quick and clear pop then chances are you will be OK for a while.  Next look at the tab that stick out of the diaphragm (made of diaphragm material). If it is cracked looking then replace it.  Put the tab between your fingers and rub on the diaphragm.  If it feels like little pieces of sand coming off or rough then replace it.
This simple and easy check may prevent you from having to crawl up on a roof in the middle of a blizzard.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When I don't have enough money I........

When I don't have enough money I hire a house keeper, buy a new car, order new furniture ( all on credit of course).  I deserve it.   When I don't have enough money at work I hire more people, build more departments, and build more buildings.  I raise everyone's pay, hire drivers to bring them to work, give them free barbers, and beauty care, and have a 5-star chief to cook lunch everyday.

Sound like a plan...... If our leaders can do ti why can't we?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shipping Goyen

A lot of Goyen going out the door this week.  Really Busy... Quoting some huge stuff.......big solenoid enclosures.... gotta go

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I can not imagine having to shut down and have no income because of the the floods. All your employees have no pay checks to pay their bills.   What a horrible situation.   Me, well it bothers me when I see others hurting.  Good people trying to just make it through life.

Enough of that..... The good news is that Goyen is back and shipping parts  YEA!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Goyen Warehouse Shut down

The Goyen warehouse in NJ is about eight miles from the coast.  They are closed due to the flooding.  May all that work there know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.   Keep your loved ones close as this is more important that any thing, or things that you may have lost.  Our prayers are with you and your families.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Asco Valve vs. Goyen Controls - A Practical Review

I have replace a lot of solenoids and diapgragm valves in my day.  A LOT.

Being on top of a silo 100 feet in the air on a windy day to find our why you have no plant air is no fun.  On a solenoid many times you find out the stupid little red plastic piece on the ASCO solenoid has popped off.  This is commonly refered to as the "Red Hat".    This is the most common failure.  The plastic piece becomes brittle an snaps off, or breaks off.  When this occurs the coil slides off of the stem and burns the coil.  It is expensive to replace these little buggers, and id I mention that it is cold (or hot) outside.
What a stupid design. 
I can see building a valve and that may have some problems, but to keep building the same valve year after year is stupid.
For three reasons I have begun recommending Goyen Valves.   a) they are a lower cost.  b) they do not fail very often.  c) the new spring-less design is one less thing to handle when you are hanging over the rail on a dust collector to change a valve.

However, if you like the extreme weather, and the views of the city from a silo, then by all means keep using the ASCO valve.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Simple video on "How to replace a Goyen diaphragm"

A call from Texas this week prompted this blogg.  The man described the sound as a whooshing sound from inside the collector.  It is air bypassing the diaphragm valve.  Two main causes are a torn diaphragm (most common), or foreign particles in the plant air holding the valve seat open.  Diaphragms are very easy to replace.  Older models have a rubber diaphragm, and a spring in the replacement kit.  The new series 4 valve introduces this year by Goyen does not have a spring.  The diaphragm is nicknamed "Shockwave".   It is performing well, and will last more cycles than the spring design diaphragm.
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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ok even I messed up on the series numnbers

Goyen valves has Just announced the introduction of a new diaphragm valve; The "Series 4".
The picture above shows the old style valves next to the Series 4.
We have put in a lot of valves over the past 12 years, and finally there is a design that" makes sense".   Gone is the diaphragm spring which always has been a challenge.  It always seemed that the spring  was the piece I would drop off the top of a silo when trying to repair a diaphragm valve.  They have also went back to the bolt design to hold on the front face.  I likes the bolts because the valve seated very easily, and the valve does not get corrosion on the threads common to the Series 3 valve (which made it difficult to open)

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The millennium or Series three valve I always hated.  I have never liked the small keeper pin or having to carry up a pipe wrench to the top of a building (using a man ladder) to remove the front of the valve.
The keeper was just another thing to hold in my teeth while balancing off of a ladder to reach the top of the dust collector.  I am sure you know what I mean.

Good job on the new Series 3 guys

Goyens anouncement of the Series 4 diaphragm valve

Find Goyen valves at discount prices
I love this new valve......Finally a great design.
Below is the announcement from Goyen on the new "Series 4".

Dear Valued Customer,

Tyco Environmental is in the process of developing a new generation of pulse valves.  The new generation of pulse valves is called the 4 Series.  The 4 Series will be introduced to the market over the next 2 years on an inlet size by inlet size basis.

The first inlet size of the new generation 4 Series pulse valves to be introduced is the 25 mm or 1 inch size valve.  The 1 inch 4 Series valves will be replacing the current Goyen DD, FS and T style diaphragm valves.

The new 4 Series valves will have the same center to face dimensions as the current Goyen diaphragm valves that they will be replacing.  The 1 inch 4 Series valves will all have a springless shockwave diaphragm design. 

Below is a table that shows the current 1 inch current Goyen diaphragm valve part numbers along with the new 4 Series part numbers that will be replacing them.  This is a list of the products that will be stocked in Goyen’s Lakewood NJ warehouse.  Other part numbers can be provided on a make to order basis:   

Current Goyen 1” Part Numbers
New 4 Series Part Numbers

Frequently Asked Questions
When will the new 4 Series be available to order?
The new 4 Series will be available to order on May 15, 2012.
When will the current Goyen 1” diaphragm valves be discontinued?
The current Goyen 1” diaphragm valves will no longer be available after August 30, 2012.
How long will Goyen support the installed base with spare parts?
Goyen is planning to support the installed base with spare parts for the foreseeable future.
How does the pricing of the 4 Series compare to the current 1 inch Goyen diaphragm valves?
The 4 Series valves will be priced the same as the current Goyen 3 Series diaphragm valves that they are replacing.
How does the 4 Series performance compare with the current 1 inch Goyen diaphragm valves?
The 4 Series meets the performance characteristics of the 1 inch Goyen 3 Series Millennium style diaphragm valves.  The 4 Series also exceeds the performance characteristics of the previous generation of Goyen 1 inch diaphragm valves.

Included in this product introduction announcement are three separate 2 page 4 Series technical data sheets.  There is a technical data sheet for the DD end connection style 4 Series diaphragm valve, a technical data sheet for the FS end connection style 4 Series diaphragm valve and a technical data sheet for the T end connection style 4 Series diaphragm valve.  The technical data sheets include information on dimensions, materials of construction, ordering codes and spare parts kits.

The product introduction announcement also contains the Goyen Valve Diaphragm Valve catalog that contains the information for the current 1 inch Goyen diaphragm valves.
If you require any additional information, please contact your local Goyen Valve Regional Manger, or our Lakewood New Jersey offices.


Stephen J. O’Neill
President Tyco Environmental Systems Americas

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Goyen Valves***New Design anounced***

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Goyen has introduced their new line of diaphragm valves.  I have to admit "pretty cool design".

They have changed the old cheap diaphragm with a new molde3d one piece design with no spring.  Way to go guys!
The new design of Goyen valve is supposed to last almost twice the life of the old style.   I will get some pictures up soon!